View from MedTec 2012 Show in Shanghai

September 26, 2012

Ximedica is exhibiting at MedTec 2012 in Shanghai at the moment, and we thought it might be a nice change of pace to share an insider’s look at the conference. Ximedica’s Aidan Petrie and Michael Pereira have set up shop with our Hong Kong Asian operations team, Tony Kung and Morris Chow.

Watching a space go from an open square of concrete floor to a shiny new exhibit is something not many people get to witness! Here’s a look at how the whole thing comes together.

View from the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center.
At 25,0000 sq. meters, it can hold several large conventions simultaneously.

The crew gets to work building our exihibit space.

Installing our wall coverings - they are written in both Chinese and English.

This gives you an idea of our final setup.
The photog in black is our Hong Kong Program Manager, Tony Kung.

China holds some of the largest industry events in the world. Several months ago in April, Aidan attended the China Medical Equipment Show in Shenzhen, and gathered some interesting insight about the regulatory landscape and product copycats overseas.

Once MedTec 2012 comes to an end, we’re packing up quickly and flying home for another event - A Better World By Design Conference in our home city of Providence, RI. Aidan will be presenting Design Policy: Form follows Function, Emotion, Meaning, Society, Innovation with other influential design professionals from the area on Friday at 5 p.m. at RISD’s Chace Center. Register for A Better World By Design, or see more of Ximedica’s upcoming and past events.

See you on the other side!