November 19, 2014
The Ximedica Technology Forum: A collective enterprise to share, disseminate and discuss new technologies, gadgets and innovations that have recently come into the public domain.
One of the greatest advances in heath care today is inarguably attributed to the advances in sensor technologies. With the innumerable pros, e.g. patient compliance and empowerment towards more proactive care, the ability to monitor effects of say drug therapy there are also the cons, too much data, integration and cost. Therefore success is achieved when the following requirements are satisfied: wearability, reliability, security and interoperability.
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Smart Helmet by DAQRI
Development Phase: Nov 2014 Shipping
Hard hat design has a protective visor over a hands-free HD display and sensor array, enabling user to view 4D content and control the interface with a integrated wrist watch as they work. The sensors include industrial grade inertia measurement, high resolution 3D depth camera, 360° navigation camera; the software supports video recording, photography, 3D mapping and alphanumeric capture so it can read, understand signage & instrument data.
As seen in: PSFK
Jolt Sensor by Jolt
Development Phase: Kickstarter Funding Campaign
Head worn sensor clip attaches to any sports headgear to better diagnose sports related concussions. Sensor vibrates with notification of unusual head acceleration and alerts parent/coach on sidelines.
As seen on: MedGadget
Development Phase: Early Development
First wearable camera in a wrist band, that unfolds to a quadcopter and flies, takes photos or video and then returns to you, at your cue. Device is part of the Intel Make it Wearable competition.
As seen on: Fly Nixie
LifeTrak BRITE R450 by Salutron
Development Phase: Commercial Release Oct 2014
Device monitors amount of blue and white light you are exposed to, alerting you if you are getting too much/little light and make recommendations based on your time zone. Device also includes sleep tracking and optimal waking alarm features. Device also displays smartphone notifications.
As seen on: MedGadget
Development Phase: Indiegogo Funding Campaign
Tracker that analyzes physical activity, sleep and light exposure patterns and biological indicators (heart rate, skin reactions and temperature) to alert you to stress and empower with a range of exercises that ‘bring your body back into balance’.
As seen on: Indiegogo
Smart Yoga Mat by SmartMat
Development Phase: Indiegogo Funding Campaign
Mat communicates with user via mobile device to give visual and verbal feedback on yoga pose, based on sensors that measure weight distribution and positioning.
As seen on: Stylus
Development Phase: Kickstarter Funding Campaign
Seat cushion ‘inactivity tracker’ monitors sitting habits and coaches you to sit better. Timer reminds you have been sitting for too long and detects breathing and heart rate.
As seen on: PSFK
ResMed S+ by ResMed
Development Phase: Commercially Available
Wirelessly detecting person’s breathing patterns, twisting & turning, the device monitors noise, ambient light and bedroom temperature. Device helps you fall asleep by playing sounds that synchronize to your breathing and has a smart alarm for morning wake up. Also provides feedback loop to improve sleep performance.
As seen on: MedGadget
Bellabeat Shell, Leaf and Balance by Bellabeat
Development Phase: ABC
The Shell is an acoustic sensor enables pregnant women to hear their unborn child’s heartbeat on their phone. Mom can also play calming music to their baby and track reaction. The Leaf is a wearable activity tracker pendant. Balance is a scale to track weight pre/post pregnancy.
As seen on: PSFK
Development Phase: Early Development
As part of Intel Make it Wearable competition, clothing embedded with sensors collect real time data on child’s electro-physical vitals. Invention includes BellyBand worn by pregnant mothers. As seen on: IQ Intel
Whistl by LifeShel
Development Phase: Kickstarter Funding Campaign
Smartphone case has ability to trigger a multi-level response on an emergency. When activated with 2 clicks on side of the case, a bright 90 lumen light strobe lights up, a speaker sounds a 120 decibel alarm and video and audio recording automatically start. App sends notification to police & loved ones.
As seen on: PSFK
Food Allergen Detector by 6SensorLabs
Development Phase: In Development
Low cost, portable sensor that detects gluten (other allergens are planned). User puts disposable unit into food and then inserts into device.
As seen on: TechCrunch
Pressure Sensor Implant by Stanford University
Development Phase: Academic Lab
Wireless continuous blood pressure implant (1mm x 0.1mm) is a layer of conformable pyramids between two copper coils on a flexible substrate. The coils act as a radio antenna that communicates with an external device. As blood pressure around the implant goes up, the coils pushed closer together and lower the radio frequency allowing the change to be detected in real time.
As seen on: MedGadget
Nano Taste Sensor by Aarhus University
Development Phase: Academic Lab
An important characteristic of red wine is its astringency, creating a dry sensation in the mouth. A new nano-sensor mimics the binding and changing structure of salivary proteins with wine molecules and optically measures light diffraction effect. This device will enable wine industry to measure and control astringency during wine production but also produce better, more targeted medicines.
As seen on: SciTech Aarhus University
Development Phase: Commercially Available
Biosensor partner makes and sells durable, wearable, embedded ECG and EGG chip solutions (hardware, software and algorithms) across multiple OEM platforms. Solutions include ability to measure heart rate, heart rate variability, stress/relaxation levels, respiration, brainwave signals.
As seen on: NeuroSky