Last week’s post gave you an overview of the FDA’s new Pre-Submission program and all it entails. Today brings a more magnified view – including the exact pieces that make up a Pre-Sub request, and specific examples of what the new guidance doesn’t do.
While each Pre-Submission request is tailored to a specific product and goal, there are some general guidelines that apply to all submissions. Below is an organized list of what most submissions should include; specific scenarios might require exceptions or additions to this list.
Ingredients of a Pre-Submission Guidance request:
- Cover Letter – Include:
- Reason for submission in reference line
- CDRH Premarket Review Submission Cover Sheet (CBER Pre-Subs too)
- Complete contact information
- Name of device
- Signature(s)
- Addressee
- CDRH - Branch or Branch Chief
- CBER – Office Director or Regulatory Project Manager
- Table of Contents (use tabs or dividers, and sequential page numbering)
- Device Description
- Pictures, drawings, processes/principles used to generate output, physical/biological characteristics, samples (where feasible), user interface, interactions, materials, manufacturing (brief), mechanism of action, scientific basis or expected clinical utility, comparison to planned predicate
- IVDs – detailed technical description (instruments, reagents, components, software, etc.)
- Proposed Intended Use – Indications for Use
- Identification of disease/condition device is indicated for
- Identification of target population
- Body part/tissue type applied to or interacting with
- Frequency of use
- Physiological use
- Statement whether prescription and/or over-the-counter use
- Previous Submissions or Discussions (include all information)
- Product Development Overview
- Specific Questions
- Mechanism for Feedback
- Other Logistical Information (CDRH only)
- Clear, concise, English or Other with English translation, 3 copies (1 electronic)
- Pre-Sub identifier assigned by DMC
Certain requests for information do not qualify for Pre-Submission requests because they do not demand feedback. Some examples of situations that don’t require Pre-Sub guidance:
- General information requests (contact CDRH/DSMICA or CBER/MA&TTB)
- Policy/procedures information requests
- Information-only meetings or calls (i.e. not looking for feedback)
- Requests for guidance clarification, except:
- Device types not addressed in guidance
- Nonclinical/clinical studies not addressed in guidance
- Requests to use means alternative to guidance
- Phone calls/emails that can be easily addressed by reviewers
- Interactions requested during marketing application review
- Substitutes for existing review processes
- E.g. 510(k), PMA, IDE, HDE, BLA, Supplements, 513(g), de novo 510(k), appeal, 513(d), etc.
Feedback from the FDA can be provided in-person, via teleconference, via facsimile, or through email. If an in-person or teleconference meeting is decided upon, the FDA will send initial feedback via email several days prior. This provides a written copy of their response and if sufficient, the meeting or teleconference can be canceled.